How Much Do Radiographers and Radiologic Technologists Make?

Radiographers and radiologic technologists operate equipment to perform diagnostic image examinations on patients. They utilize x-rays, MRIs, CTs, and mammography equipment to produce digital images of internal organs, tissue, or bones that aid physicians in diagnosing and treating patients.As allied health professionals, radiographers and radiologic technologists are critical components of any medical team. Earnings can vary widely, but on average, professionals in this field earn $60,510 per year. How much radiographers and radiologic technologists earn depends on their level of education, years of experience, place of employment, and if they work in a specialty field. Typical areas of employment include hospitals, diagnostic labs, medical offices, and outpatient care centers.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS May 2019), here are the earning percentiles for the 210,000 professionals in this field.

  • Average annual salary: $60,510
  • 10th percentile: $41,480
  • 25th percentile: $49,580
  • 50th percentile (median): $60,510
  • 75th percentile: $74,660
  • 90th percentile: $89,760

Entry-level education for this field includes completing a certificate program or an associate degree in radiography. These programs can take anywhere from one to two years to complete. Coursework required to earn a degree or certificate includes anatomy and physiology, radiation safety, patient positioning, and primary patient care. Students can choose to pursue more advanced studies and complete a bachelor’s degree. Having a higher degree is advantageous as it increases employability and can lead to higher salaries.

Students should ensure the program they complete is accredited by the Joint Review Committee on Education in Radiologic Technology (JRCERT) or approved by the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT), as this can be required for certification or licensing. Attending an accredited or approved program ensures a minimum level of education, coursework content, and quality faculty.

Licensing is required in most states for radiographers and radiologic technologists. While certification requirements vary by state, they typically include completing required education or training, passing an exam, and paying a licensing fee. Certification through the American Registry of Radiologic Technologists (ARRT) is an industry-standard and required by most employers.

Radiographers and radiologic technologists can only perform diagnostic tests and cannot interpret the results. Medical doctors called radiologists are the ones who typically receive the images produced and can make a diagnosis and refer to treatment.

The demand for radiographers and radiologic technologists is high and is anticipated to grow 7 percent between 2019 and 2029 around the United States. This growth outpaces the national average of 4 percent for all careers. The increased demand is primarily due to aging Baby Boomers requiring more medical tests to diagnose conditions such as cancers, Alzheimer’s, and heart disease.

Professionals looking to switch to this career will find that job satisfaction in this field is relatively high. (2020) has a satisfaction rating of 4.1 out of 5, based on self-reported data from 115 radiographers and radiologic technologists. U.S. News & World Report ranks radiologic technologists as number 15 in best healthcare support jobs. The top factor driving this ranking is a strong job market and future job growth potential.

Continue reading to learn more about where radiographers and radiologic technologists earn the most money, which specialties have the highest wages, and where most professionals in this field are currently employed.

Top-Paying Cities for Radiographers and Radiographic Technologists

According to the BLS (May 2019), below are the cities and corresponding metropolitan areas with the highest wages for radiologic technologists and technicians. Note that all of the top-paying regions in this profession are in California. On this list are also the number of estimated radiologic technologists and technicians in that area. Salaries for these cities range between $87,510 and $110,180.

Metropolitan areaEmployment of radiologic techsAverage annual salary
Salinas, CA120$110,180
Vallejo – Fairfield, CA300$109,680
San Francisco – Oakland – Hayward, CA2,280$103,670
Sacramento – Roseville – Arden-Arcade, CA1,090$97,450
Redding, CA80$94,120
Stockton – Lodi, CA270$89,980
Santa Maria – Santa Barbara, CA220$88,920
San Jose – Sunnyvale – Santa Clara, CA850$88,690
Yuba City, CA60$88,000
Santa Cruz – Watsonville, CA90$87,510

Top-Paying States for Radiographers and Radiographic Technologists

Below is a list of the states with the highest mean wages for radiologic technologists and technicians, according to the BLS (May 2019). Included in this list is an estimated number of radiologic technologists and technicians working in that state.

StateEmployment of radiologic techsAverage annual salary
District of Columbia450$79,430

Most Popular Work Environments for Radiographers and Radiographic Technologists

According to the BLS (2020), these are the most popular work environments in this field:

Work environmentPercentage of employed radiologic technologists
Hospitals; state, local, and private60 percent
Offices of physicians20 percent
Medical and diagnostic laboratories7 percent
Outpatient care centers6 percent
Federal government, excluding postal service3 percent

Top-Paying Clinical Specializations for Radiographers and Radiographic Technologists

Radiologic technologists and technicians can work in several specialties. Working in a specialty requires additional training to use the equipment and support physicians in caring for patients and diagnosing diseases.

Below are five specialization areas and the corresponding hourly wage, as self-reported by professionals in the field to (October 2020).

SpecializationAverage hourly wage
Operating Room$25.31
Computed Tomography (CT)$24.73
Picture Archival Computer System (PACS)$24.17
Kimmy Gustafson

Kimmy Gustafson


At, Kimmy Gustafson has delivered in-depth and insightful articles since 2019, aiding prospective students to navigate the complexities of choosing the right healthcare degree. Her recent work includes topics such as the ethics of gene editing and physician assistant’s fight for autonomy.

Kimmy has been a freelance writer for more than a decade, writing hundreds of articles on a wide variety of topics such as startups, nonprofits, healthcare, kiteboarding, the outdoors, and higher education. She is passionate about seeing the world and has traveled to over 27 countries. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Oregon. When not working, she can be found outdoors, parenting, kiteboarding, or cooking.

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